
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Krista reporting...

It feels like we have already settled into the San Pancho life here. We have
only been here about a week but we have done so much that even if we were to
leave tomorrow,  I would feel that the trip was a success. Before we left Victoria, we were told by field school alumni and Ada about how patient and appreciative the clients here are but to experience it for ourselves has been amazing in these first few clinics. We have seen some interesting cases of people who have never been to a Dental Hygienist and are so grateful to
have us. We want to do more for them than what we have to offer. I have had the chance to see a client that has been coming to the field school dental hygiene clinic since the beginning. Through a translator she said that she was in so much pain and had mobility in her teeth, and that now her gums are healthy and there is no more pain or movement in her teeth. Definitely,  a highlight of the trip so far is seeing the motivation in the clients, even evident in teenage boys(usually the hardest to motivate). While visiting Sayulita one day, we found a vendor who sold coconut juice right out of the coconut. I bought and drank one and it was a highlight! It was also in Sayulita where Ada said it was pretty geeky of me to write "Dental Hygiene 11" in the sand. ;-)

At first it was hard to adjust to the hot nights, our gecko friend in the bathroom, and waking up to roosters every morning, but I think I might miss these things when we get back to our fast paced life in Canada. Here,  there is no rushing, no stress, and it is not uncommon for people to have very low blood pressure, quite the opposite of home.

It's a been a whole new world in clinic. Dogs roaming around the clinic with us, kids and babies patiently waiting for their parents to be finished with no complaints, nothing to entertain
them but themselves, and the hum of the fan that keeps us cool while we are working hard, but don't worry Ada does let us relax a little bit too...all in all the week has been amazing, filled with great experiences. Next week we go to the schools, where we will be screening about 400 children by the time we leave. Can't wait!

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