
Monday, April 26, 2010

Cultural immersion....

On Sunday, Entreamigos (a non-profit community organization from San Pancho) organized a community event for the people of Sayulita, a neighboring village along the Bahia de Banderas. The event was called Circus Carton, a show about the importance of ecological stewardship. I asked the organizers if there was a way for us to participate or help in the event as this would provide a great opportunity for our group to be immersed in the culture in such a fun atmosphere. We were there an hour before the start of the show to set up chairs, organize the merchandise table, make popcorn bags out of newspaper, haul the microwave oven to a restaurant nearby to pop popcorn and fill the bags on the street,  mix the hibiscus juice, organize the t-shirts by sizes, give away stickers, and mingle with the locals. The attached pictures don't do justice to the color, energy, and warmth that we felt while we watched and participated. The last picture is of our taxi ride home (sorry Kellie- got you with your eyes closed).

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