
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More dental hygiene under the mango trees....

A little yoga before we begin our day! 

Candyce is slightly outside of the safety of the umbrella. It's a bit risky as the mangoes fall with consistent fervor. It brings excitement to our day.

With great concentration, Sarah and Emma are helping me organize patient forms and student numbers. Everyone is always so willing and eager to help out to ensure that things go smoothly. And when things don't, we somehow problem-solve our way out of it to get back on track. Nice work, team!

A long view of our dental hygiene clinic. The lady (left background) is waiting to get an appointment knowing that we are booked for the day. She is there in case someone doesn't show up.  The virtue of patience is very much part of the culture of the Mexican people. 

Kellie and I looking on as Jeanie completes Quadrant 3 with stellar results. I have encouraged the students to coach each other, to help identify for themselves what they see in their partner's skills that can be improved on. In our next set of clinic days, we will be checking each other's work more consistently so that they can hone their tactile sensitivity.

A picture worthy of a story. This is 24 yr. old Maria who walked in shyly wanting to see us before we were even set up for the day. Her friend who we had seen the day before told her to come. Due to a no-show, we were able to begin treatment. She turned out to be a class 4 classification, evidenced by generalized moderate to severe deposits, a glorious wall to wall calculus on the linguals of her sextant 5 and only 3-5 mm pocket levels throughout. The most amazing thing is that she stayed with us from 9:30 am to almost 6pm, without a single bathroom or meal break.  She wanted so badly for us to keep going and we were more than happy to oblige. Jeanie and Kellie completed her in 7.5 hours...a leap in progress, considering that class 4 patients were being completed on an average of 6 or more appointments (18 plus hours) in Victoria. My experience has been that given a challenge like this (coupled with good fundamental skills), most students rise to the occasion. Good work Kellie and Jeanie!

Although a perfect 90 degree angle operator positioning by Becky, it does not meet the standards of proper ergonomics. HA! We won't count Tanis' posture, she's trying her best to look at what's going on intraorally. You can't beat the surroundings though. Thank you Honvon! Your suction contraption still works like a charm.

Emma's ipod and speaker system on a tree trunk. Nice Bob Marley and Stevie Ray Vaughn tunes, Emma. Unfortunately, the vacuum evacuation system drowned out the sound most of the day. Next year, bigger speakers!!!

Our dispensary area/folding table against the hospital wall.  The instruments are organized according to design. The system works. The biggest glitch that we encountered is not having ultrasonic handles for 2 of the ultrasonic machines that we brought with us. The team did a remarkable job in rotating the three that we had to ensure that those who needed it used it. Thank you Camosun dental hygiene crew, the overnight package of ultrasonic handles to Mexico came 7 days later, but we are happy that we'll have it for the last 5 days of clinic here.

Each day that we were there, a team of 2 students rotated through the inside dental chair (see above). This one is 30 years old.  The suction and compressor unit no longer works, the headrest is not easily manipulated, but the chair can be reclined so hallelujah! ...but the biggest bonus is that we've learned how to turn on the air conditioner on our 2nd day there. Funny enough, it was not a big enough draw with the students.  as the other option was working with your teammates underneath the mango trees. 

The Physical Services department at Camosun and the Worker's Compensation Board in Victoria would have a lot to say about this electrical thing-a-majig underneath the dental chair. But we are not in Victoria, are we?

This is a picture of a 30 year old x-ray processor and the unlabeled x-ray films above it. After speaking to the resident weekend dentist, he seconded the notion that any help that we can offer the hospital dental clinic in terms of newer equipment and supplies would be appreciated. We'll have to work on that.

The x-ray machine. It still works.

Next posting will be about our school visits in the Primaria and Secondaria levels. Tomorrow, we are taking a day off before we head into our 5 day clinic at Entreamigos. I heard from Dr. Grillo tonight and they are packed and ready to go. They'll be arriving Friday evening and seeing patients first thing Saturday morning. 

Good night, Victoria.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my - a fire could break out form that wiring at any moment. I also think I have seen a x-ray unit like that in a museum.
    I think I might have stuck with the outside set up myself!!!

    Again everyone. You are doing a wonderful job.
